This website is about the feelings of Renaissance Christian paintings. I read the article and view the comments. In post, the author looked at the paintings, he would be instantly Christianized. I learned that Renaissence artists were really good at "capture a moment" in heart. It makes people "learn"the religion from paintings. Every small touch in the picture can touch people's heart. How can they did this, I think maybe Jesus had helped them.
This painting is "The last judgement" by Giotto, he finished it between 14 century. I choose this painting because I like its small detail. You can see many little people are in inferno or sky, the painter draw it very exquisite. Also, space application is well. I can clearly know: Top is go to heaven, bottom is go to inferno. The color represents different kind of roles.
This painting is "The last supper" by Leonardo da Vinci, in 1495-1498. I choose this painting because it is Da Vinci's masterpiece. The whole piece's background seems to come to the Jesus, and he sits in middle. It makes Jesus stands out, and the whole light focus on him. It is because the top of painting likes trangle.