Wednesday 27 May 2009

Iroquois Nation

I find this great website, and it has some useful picture. Iroquois is the oldest Native America tribes gathering. First, there are These were the Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, and Seneca. The Tuscarora join in too. When the battle, they side with British. The Huron village who side with France, they're enemy. There's a schism during the American Revolutionary War. Oneida and Tuscarora supported the Americans. After Ameriaca triumph, a group of Iroquois left . Many of the Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, and Tuscarora stayed in New York. However, the Iroquois traditions save in these place.


This website has many info of Mahawk Indian tribe, but it doesn't have any pictures. Mahawk tribe is the most east tribe in Iroquois. They call theirselves Kaniengehaga. In Oneida, the Mohawk just have 3 clans. It is the Bear, the Wolf, and the Turtle. These chiefships are known by specific names. These official titles are like Tekarihoken, Haienhwatha.


This website is about Mohawk famous chief Joseph brant, and it has a drawing for him. Joseph Brant, the most influential chief of Mohawk. His parent lived on the Mohawk River in New York. Brant side with British during the American Revolutionary War. One time, he put in practice the Masonic. When he still young, he is the favorite of Sir William Johnson. He's also Freemason, and he married Brant's sister when his European wife died. Johnson chose Brant and the other Indian to attend Moors Charity School for Indians at Lebanon. Brant learn speak English, and write English. He left school during the French and the Indians war, and he became Johnson's companion.

Photo 1: It is the Iroquois Indians, and you can see their traditional clothes.
Photo 2:It is the logo of Mohawk tribe, and the tribe name is in it.
Photo 3:It's the drawing of Joseph brant, the famous chief.

1 comment:

Savant English School said...

Sigh* Everyone did the same . Otherwise it is good