Saturday 13 June 2009

Spies in WWII

I find this good website with pictures and info.During WWII, a young woman work for British intelligence called Virginia Hall. She was a spy, and work for Franch in a agent. When the Nazi starts to catch her, she was escape on foot over the Pyrenees Mountains into Spain. Her foot is wounded. Wall took great intelligence. After the war, she was awarded by America. She's also the only American civilian female get the DSC.


This website is about women in WWII, and I choose a example to describe. Julia Child is the famous spy in the war. During the WWII, women is perfect to do intelligence work. They are easy to slip in enemy's fingertips than man. The spies took "intimate" knowledge of German military by the officers. Often, women will find a work by the enemy. There were women work for both SOE and OSS.


Photo 1:She is Virginia Hall, and she's a spy work on Nazi.
Photo 2:She is Julia Child ,a famous spy in WWII.


Savant English School said...

Good work, And you figured out how to embed the video as well. To me, there could be no more interesting topic than this. Nice job.

Hank said...

Thanks, teacher.