Saturday 8 September 2007

Suspicious Information
This website is talking about how to lose weight eating fast food.It says when you eat fastfood,you need to choose the diet drink.I think the fastfood didn't have diet drink,and the website also said you may find some friend to eat fastfood,you will not eat too many.
I think this website is suspect because I think eat fastfood can't make you lose weight,it just make you gain weight.I think that website auther is urge people eat his company's fastfood.


Savant English School said...

I agree. Fast food is not good for you no matter how you eat or who you eat it with. Recent studies have shown that even diet soda pops are awful for our bodies. All soda isn't good, diet or not.

HENRY Y. YANG said...

I think not all fast food is not healthy. There are some fast food restaurants use vegetables and fresh fruits to make salad. They use fresh chicken meat or beef to bake, not to fry. It is healthier and less oil. People want to be healthier, so they will choose healthier food. Then fast food restaurant will change some day.

Hank said...

thank you,teacher