Saturday 20 October 2007

Yahoo News;_ylt=Ahyq6CbxcxItEitz3yAvp1gUewgF
This new is talking about in pakistan,police ask 3 people of the bombing of Benazir Bhutto's caraven.the police belive was used by attacker throw the grenade and made more then 200people injured.
This new is talking about the gore has no plan to run presidential race,and despite campaining against climate change.;_ylt=AslCB6rW4eWF_H0UbJiFASsTO7gF
This new is talking about 5 rare Astatic lions found dead in India,they were killed by electricity fence and it is a farmer did,the police arrived him,then he will have 7 years in prison.


Savant English School said...

Nice job Hank. I hope you found this website useful. Other forms of news are often biased. I prefer the internet because we can get our news from several different sources, and while each one is biased in itself, the variety gives us a clearer picture of what's really happening.

Hank said...
