found this website of the timeline of the Earth. At the 3500 mya the life start. The first life in Earth is blue-green algae. When the 235 mya the first dinosaur appear and lizards, too.The time pass, at the Cretaceous Period the Tyrannosaurus is the king in the Earth. However, at the 65 mya the 170km stone hits the Earth. All most all the dinosaurs disappeared. The first ancestor of human appear in Tertiary Period.
My ideas:I believe the Cretaceous Period end in the big stone hits the Earth because the only things can make dinosaurs died is it. I think this website needs to talk about when the cockroach appear,I'm interest of it.
This website is about the beginning of the universe. The writer said the universe begins to grow.When the time pass, it will be smaller and smaller.It mark the beginning of the universe is the big bang. I believe this theory because I think the universe has some energy to grow. When it don't have that energy, it becomes smaller.I've read a book, it is about the unverse is appear by some element hit each other.The elements start to grow big and that is our universe.It is the cause I believe this theory.