Saturday, 27 September 2008

Environmental Issues

This is a picture of global warming, it is a terrible problem
This is a website of some Environmental issues. Global warming is a important problem, it makes the temperature higher. The cause is the greenhouse gases increased,the scienctists agree the Earth about warm 1 degree Fahrenheit in the past 140 years!The radiation comes through the atmosphere, but the radiation can't come out. The climate warm. Another problem is ozone hole, the CFCs will make a ozone layer thinning. The nitrogen, hydrogen, and chlorine will occur some chemical reaction. They destoy the ozone layer, it is not a good thing. There's more radiation comes in, it makes skin hurts. Air pollution also a important, it is a existence thing in the air. It contaminate the air. It's from some manufacturing industries, buses or trucks.

Wednesday, 24 September 2008


The top left the statue of Julius Caesar,it's really like a real person. In 60B.C, Caesar steped in the political. He had been successful on the battlefield. The senate worries Julius will use his army and attack the republican government.The senate ordered him return the Rome, but leave his army North of the Rubicon River.Julius Caesar refused what the senate ordered, and he used his army committed treason to the senate.

Caesar defeated the opposing force,and in 45B.C he control the Roman empire. He then proceed reform the rome, and he give some job or land to poor people. The rule in Rome is simple. Julius Caesar was murdered by the members of the senate, the lead are Marcus Brutus and Gaius Cassius. They are worry that Caesar will destoy the republic

Wednesday, 17 September 2008


This is a gladiator. I think this is very violent thing.

Roman gladiator is like to watch people die. Roman thinks that is fun, because it is same thing of you go to watch a horror movie. Rome's people believe their god also likes to watch gladiator. Many people go to amphitheaters to watch it. The fighter will fight with some animals, like bulls or alligator. They makes them hungry or angry.The men usuallykill the animals, but sometimes the animals kill the men. It likes the bull fight in today. At the lunch time, it will have some singers or dancers. Sometimes, it will have some criminals have killed. They will cut of their head or let the bears eat them, because their god likes justice. After lunch, it will have a man fight with the other man. They usually fight until one man hurts, sometimes the man did kill.

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Roman art and achitecture

This is the Rome bath in Paris, it looks huge and beuatiful

Roman arts are from a etruscan art, but at frist it likes Greek art. The start of Roman art is from 500BC, The beginning of republic. Many people believe have a good image of someone's head makes their ghost happy after they died. The art of people's face is really like a real person.In conquer Greece time, the style of art change. There had Greek art in the temples.
The famous thing in Rome is achitectures, roman has many new idea of it. Around 700 BC, there had a etruscan achitectures. It is in some temples. In the frist emporer he build a lot of brick and marble buildings. Augustus great-great son Nero also build a lot of buildings, like his golden house. Trajan build a market buildings and the famous buildings: Rome bath buildings.

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Roman society

Look at that glass bowl, it is owned by a poor Roman people. He may use a lot of money to buy it!

Many historians have argued Roman society and economy, but there's some possbilities. Some people think Roman had a very simple society, and most people are farmers. They always make the most thmselves need, and almost never go to the market. Roman didn't sell many. Though, the tax would take some food from the farmers. The tax collectors would take it to city, and gives to wealthy people,slaves, soldiers and emperor. The other people think Roman society is complicate, and they use money to buy clothes and food. They paid taxes in money. There's many historians thinks Roman sometimes make the most what they need, sometimes sell other thing or buy some stuff. We need to thanks archaeologist dicover Roman farm and city.The certain thing is Roman farmer work on farm and sowing; The wealthy people in city used money to buy some food, clothes or other staff.