Wednesday 24 September 2008


The top left the statue of Julius Caesar,it's really like a real person. In 60B.C, Caesar steped in the political. He had been successful on the battlefield. The senate worries Julius will use his army and attack the republican government.The senate ordered him return the Rome, but leave his army North of the Rubicon River.Julius Caesar refused what the senate ordered, and he used his army committed treason to the senate.

Caesar defeated the opposing force,and in 45B.C he control the Roman empire. He then proceed reform the rome, and he give some job or land to poor people. The rule in Rome is simple. Julius Caesar was murdered by the members of the senate, the lead are Marcus Brutus and Gaius Cassius. They are worry that Caesar will destoy the republic


Savant English School said...

Funny that they killed Caesar and in doing so set up the events that would lead to the real end of the Republic, even though that is why they killed him. What an amazing story!

Hank said...
