Wednesday 3 September 2008

Roman society

Look at that glass bowl, it is owned by a poor Roman people. He may use a lot of money to buy it!

Many historians have argued Roman society and economy, but there's some possbilities. Some people think Roman had a very simple society, and most people are farmers. They always make the most thmselves need, and almost never go to the market. Roman didn't sell many. Though, the tax would take some food from the farmers. The tax collectors would take it to city, and gives to wealthy people,slaves, soldiers and emperor. The other people think Roman society is complicate, and they use money to buy clothes and food. They paid taxes in money. There's many historians thinks Roman sometimes make the most what they need, sometimes sell other thing or buy some stuff. We need to thanks archaeologist dicover Roman farm and city.The certain thing is Roman farmer work on farm and sowing; The wealthy people in city used money to buy some food, clothes or other staff.

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